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Making A Claim

When you need us, we’re here for you

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Trusted by over 23,000 clients for their business insurance
Quick and easy online cover for your profession
Rated 4.7 out of 5 by over 3,500 clients at feefo.com

How to make a claim

If you need to make a claim, please contact us using one of the following options:

Turning claims into the right result for your business

Our claims team will get directly involved, using our knowledge and experience to settle things with the minimum of fuss, including:

  • reporting claims to the insurer on your behalf
  • proactively ensuring you receive a prompt settlement or an active defence
  • visiting you following a major loss to give you help assurance and advice
  • keeping you updated on the progress of your claim

So whatever the issue, you can count on us to keep you informed about what’s going on while we put things right.